Ericson Smith
About me
Essays & Notes
Learning video editing
On StackOverflow Series E financing
On genders
How to teach kids to read
Is computer programming better than history?
On Standford's cancelled plan to bring back undergrads in 2020
Memorizing formulas
On Australia doubling fees for liberal arts degrees
On Helicopter parenting
What do school closures mean for children?
Happy fathers day
What happens if you don't eat for a week?
Why do humans like bacon?
Why are there so many jobs that are extremely easy that can be automated still?
Is 2020 the year to learn code?
Hello I am an aspiring software developer who just completed A-Levels. What's next?
What are some programming skills that can provide financial freedom?
How did you go from a newbie to a software engineer in 9 months while working full time?
On working as a programmer in the adult industry
On having a "mission"
What's your main goal for learning programming?
How do I turn my passion for programming into a career?
How do programmers last working for a company for 5 years, 10 years, or 20 years?
What profession is better with learning a little programming?
Are you always bored?
Why are people so similar to pigs? (ChatGPT)
Difference in slang usage between bullshit, dogshit, horseshit, apeshit, batshit and "the shit"?
How do some people afford to travel so often if they are not wealthy?
Asking for rights
Corporate Pride: Genuine Support or Hollow Gesture?
On the unravelling of America due to Covid-19
Why are video tutorials useless for learning programming?
Improving programming skills in 30 days?
As a Ruby programmer, why do you choose Elixir over Crystal or vice versa?
As a self-taught developer, should I go to college?
Did anybody learn a programming language at the age of 50?
Does being an entrepreneur require you to be a good programmer or good at coding?
Great programming skills as a child
How can I know if programming is the right career for me?
Finding a programming job without a degree
How do I build my platform?
How do I learn Phoenix (Elixir) in a pleasant way?
How hard would it be to learn Ruby or Ruby on Rails for a Python developer?
How mature is Elixir?
How much of the "Programming Elixir" book must I go through before I can start learning Phoenix?
I can't learn any programming language. Whenever I try I fail.
I can't solve a simple Python program, and no ideas for a mini project.
I have done software engineering and now I want to apply for a master degree
I’m willing to make a project for my final year. What project (related to Python) should I make to achieve a good grade?
Is Elixir + Phoenix worth learning when you have to create very quickly web backends that scale to millions of users?
Is Elixir (programming language) dying?
Is Elixir worth learning even though it has so few job opportunities?
Is it possible to build an eCommerce website with Elixir and the Phoenix framework?
Is it right to start my programming career with Python than C++?
Is programming something you want to do for the rest of your life?
What is programming like on the Pixelbook?
Programming competitions vs. Side projects
What does it mean to be a successful coder?
What are some things that seem easy in programming software but are actually hard, and other things that seem hard but are easy?
What are some types of computer applications that will never be doable as web-based apps?
What can I do with Elixir?
What coding skills are in demand?
What popular or emerging web applications are built with the Elixir language and Phoenix framework?
What programming language from ten years ago has fallen completely out of favor?
What’s the hardest part about programming that no one ever talks about at all?
What will you say to someone that has been learning how to code for 5 years but yet still struggling with it?
Which is better: Python or C++?
Which programming languages do you think will be worth learning in 2021?
Why do programmers get outdated over time?
Why is it so hard for older developers to keep going with technology?
Why doesn't anyone understand me?
Teaching sucks
How do I "stay hungry"?
Eating just before sleep?
Too big to fail?
Why things will never change
Why you should travel - especially after 2020
Your beliefs are not important
Your identity is meaningless
Admitting when you're wrong
"Safe spaces"... should be eliminated
10 Comfortable lies
Is it difficult to live in Bangkok as a foreigner?
What's your favorite thing about the Vietnamese?
Are Vietnamese people friendly?
Why are so many expats leaving Thailand?
On identifying as American abroad
On United Airways plan to resume service Internationally
How did you become interested in Vietnam and Vietnamese culture?
On OVH's Firewalls
On cities suing Netflix, Hulu and Disney
On "Privacy Focussed" Analytics
Is the Carnivore Diet what we needed all the time?
Is it a problem? Or is it just change?
Protesting never works
Projects & Interests
Why Painkillers Sell, Not Vitamins: A Deep Dive
The protests have failed, so what's next?
Memorizing formulas
Memorizing formulas
Memorizing formulas
What I'm doing now
Unveiling Truths in Unpopular Perspectives
About Me
Conditionally render templates in Phoenix - Elixir
© 2025 Ericson C. Smith
About me